Kirb Your Alderman! Ward Six's Kirby Says 2 AM Bar Closings is A Foregone Conclusion ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kirb Your Alderman! Ward Six's Kirby Says 2 AM Bar Closings is A Foregone Conclusion

Alderman Kenny Kirby may be the only council member in the history of our town to get elected without having raised a penny--not a penny, in his own ward. He seems happy to talk about raising taxes, or taking other's money, but he takes an especially keen interest in the affairs of Ward One--so much so that he is willing to rush through critical legislation on bar closings before the duly appointed committee to study and recommend changes to our liquor laws even finishes its work.

Why is Kirby so interested? Well, there is much speculation, but he says he is concerned about losses in revenue to businesses already about to be hit with an major increase in their licenses. When did Mr. Kirby ever seem interested in business? When did the always ready to raises our taxes alderman ever express concern about government fees or taxes? None that I can recall, but here, he has taken great interest in Ward One. Of course, there was a photo of him on a blog during the blizzard when he appeared there  with a shovel ready to clear snow. One can assume he had already finished shoveling all of Ward Six..

You can read the story in The Capital at  or better yet, see him on the city's web-site where he explains the whole matter in his own words. Yes, in his own words, words which never fail to clarify, articulate and cogently express his thoughts:

Oh, readers may also find this interesting. In his last campaign filing, he received money from Martin O'Malley (listed incorrectly as Maetin, but as in the Gov.), Richard Israel (Really? The Ward One Alderman?), William Jones Esq of Giddings Avenue, Friends of Ellen Moyer (Indeed), Michael Blonder (!!!!???!!!!), John Schwartz (downtown architect and former partner of Craig Purcell.....!!!???). So, is a picture beginning to emerge here?

Kirby is from Ward Six--supposedly, though there is much speculation about where he actually resides. His closest political ally and supporter is Democratic activist and troublemaker Chuck Weikel, a Warrd One resident who Kirby appointed to the same citizens committee he is trying to undermine. Weikel and his close ally Craig Purcell, have been on their own binge against Ward One residents for years as has been amply demonstrated in public statements and actions.

But here's the rub. Kirby claims he wants to help downtown businesses so they can all stay open late within the next few months, rather than miss the tourist season. I find his reasoning odd. For one thing, the downtown tourist season has little to do with late night bar hoppers. Second, this whole matter would still need to go through special exemption hearings, so it would not happen in summer anyhow. As I have written about before, the closing time is merely a distraction. The real issue is regulating human behavior in public once the bars close. Kirby seems to think that the only issue is allowing bars to all stay open until 2 am and he is wrong. Changing bar closing times in the interest of "equity" or anything will not in any way address the vandalism and public misbehavior problem. Finally, think of the very real message it would send to all citizens and all citizens who volunteer on boards and committees if any elected official preempts their work by forcing through legislation.

By the of the bars in question here is Castlebay, a downtown (Ward One) establishment which thanks to Chuck Weikel, hosted a political fundraiser last year for Kenny Kirby and also Ian Pfeiffer, both of whom now serve on council. The owner of Castlebay wants a 2am license. 

But the big question remains as to whether the zoning code or liquor laws rule changes in business operating hours. Does Alderman Kirby know the answer to this?My guess is that Kirby is being manipulated by Weikel and quite possibly indirectly by former Mayor Ellen Moyer from afar. Who knows?

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Unknown said...

Critical Legislation? Are you serious? How is a bar's closing time even CLOSE to critical. People in this town have lost their minds.

Paul Foer said...

What minds? But sseriously folks....please fully identify yourself to me or to readers for further commenting...thanks

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