Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Latest Video on Downtown/Market House at Annapolis Sound
Posted by
Paul Foer
5:35 AM
Sunday, February 13, 2011
ACP Publisher Paul Foer Now at The Annapolis Sound
Posted by
Paul Foer
1:30 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Yet More Comments From Readers
ACP would like to thank all the readers who have sent in comments expressing their appreciation. I'll continue to publish them as they come in. here are the latest:
You may have silenced your blog, but not your wit and will. Of course, your weekly column in the Capital will give us some guidance and insight into the politics of our area in and around Annapolis.
Your voice will gain expression in another media, soon I hope, because citizens want to hear from you, your views, and your criticism and praise of our leaders.
I look forward to your next gig!
Anastasia Hopkinson
Paul I just returned from travel to discover the world as I have counted on it has come to an end. I am so very sorry to read that the blog is dead. I think you made such a great contribution to our civic life. You shed light into the dark and dusty corners of our political and civic doings and kept (or tried to keep) politics and elected officials honest. I do worry about who or how that will be done now. You made great personal sacrifices of time and energy and I only wish it didn't have to end for the good of the citizens of the City. But everyone needs to move and grow and you certainly did more than your full share to help the City.
Best wishes, Trudy McFall
Paul, I think the reason I liked your blog was that I was never quite sure which principle, line of reasoning, you would take in dealing with an issue. It was unpredictable which twist or turn you would take because I could never tell which of your principles would trump your other principles as events surfaced. This no doubt made people nervous.
Also, I admired your having analysis and well written
creative thoughts on a daily basis. I blogged the Obama campaign for 3 months in '08. After a time my wife stopped reading it. She said it was"B-O-R-I-N-G".
All the best, Dick Lahn
Thanks to Dick Lahn for his generous donation through PayPal.
You provided an excellent service for the community.
Stanford Erickson
Posted by
Paul Foer
11:26 AM
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More Comments From Readers
Paul, best of luck to you in your new adventures, seeking work, etc. You are a true entrepreneur and did amazing things with your blog and radio program. You are very talented and any organization that hires you would be lucky to have your diverse skill set.
Jane Shey
I, too, would like to thank you for your blog. Overall, I believe that you were fair and even in your posts and provided an opportunity for opposing comments and discourse.
The best praise that I can offer is that you keep the same energy and fairness in all your endeavors.
BTW, the next round is on me. Paul,
Alan Furth
I saw you were shutting down the site. Sorry to see it go, I thought you raised some good issues and did it out in the public.
Ian Pfeiffer
Annapolis City Alderman
Dear Paul,
It has been a pleasure reading your articles over the years. I look forward to your Ninth Ward and any other local pieces you might write. Thanks for your service - it has definitely been good for the community.
William Small
Great work covering all things Annapolis over the years. I hope someone will fill quickly the void and hope you will use your column to continue highlighting issues that merit public discussion. Enjoy your new found time.
Jamie Benoit
Anne Arundel County Council
There's no question that your blog had an impact on the community and it will be missed by many: you could be counted on to surface issues that would otherwise not have seen the light of day. We've had our (heated) differences over the definition of journalism, but the bottom line is you put in an inordinate amount of time in what was, as often as not, a significant service to the city and its people.
Good luck with your further ventures.
David Prosten
Thanks for your dedicated service.I'm disappointed by your decision to scale back, but I understand it. You covered stories, in your column, blog, and radio show, that the mainstream media ignored, because they didn't fit neatly into their political slant, or required to much effort to research/confirm.We'll miss you.
Herb McMillan
I admire your writing and as one who takes writing seriously, I may appreciate your skill more than most. I hope that skill leads you to a more lucrative career and a continuation of doing something that you obviously enjoy doing.
Best regards,
Alan Hamerstrom
I will miss your blog. You have provided a valuable view to the lical politics. I know that you will continue to remain involved. I for one will miss your commentary.
Your recent comments on the judicial election were right on. Look forward to seeing your weekly column in the Capital.
Ray Sullivan
Hi Paul,
I uttered a loud 'geeeeez' when i read that you no longer blogging ACP
Frankly, I was in awe of the amount of energy you put into doing this --- attending so many functions, meeting with so many people etc.
I will miss reading ACP -- but, I do have some level of understanding that there does come a time when one says "enough" -- time to move on.
You opened my eyes to many things as well as to different ways of thinking about issues. A big thanks for that!
You should have only good things on your new road! (and less stress).
Adiva Sotzky
Rockville, MD and Magothy River
I know you are still in the area -- which is good.
"Through your reporting, you have done a tremendous service to this community. At the end of the day, you held the big boys accountable, which is of the utmost importance in any democracy. I can only imagine the emotional, never mind financial, toll of putting your heart and energy into these difficult issues. I trust that as long as you have a voice, you will use it for a just cause. I look forward to seeing where your path leads and wish you the best."
Howard Ernst
Noted Chesapeake Bay author and political scientist
LISTEN TO ACP Publisher Paul Foer on 1430WNAV at 8:15 every weekday morning or click on the WNAV icon to the right, press ON DEMAND and the click On The Foerfront to listen. READ ACP Publisher Paul Foer's "The Ninth Ward" every Wednesday in The Capital at www.capitalonline.com Identified comments are always welcome. ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS will be automatically rejected without being opened.
Posted by
Paul Foer
10:55 AM
Final Comments From Readers
Thanks to all the below writers. I'll post more as they are sent in...__________
Thanks for everything you've done on the blog. I look forward to continued reading of your Wednesday column in The Capital. Best wishes and thoughts to you.
Arnold J. Gasper, PMP
443-336-0896 Cell
I just finished reading your column on Alison Asti's absurd and agregious antics. (Yeah, I like to alliterate once in awhile. This time I even had to mis-spell egregious to satisfy my twitch. I think few people would get a chuckle from that....but that you would.)
Thank you for taking her to task on behavior that is truly shocking for someone who is already "an officer of the court" just by being an attorney.
Then there is you. I admire your writing and as one who takes writing seriously, I may appreciate your skill more than most. I hope that skill leads you to a more lucrative career and a continuation of doing something that you obviously enjoy doing.
Best regards,
Alan Hamerstrom
Paul...I think this is really your true calling. For what it's worth here's a letter I sent into The Capital...
Last year I wrote to you criticizing your newspaper and imploring you to take a more proactive role in news reporting particularly as it related to the governance of Annapolis. The Capital did not look into Zina Pierre's background and had dropped the ball in its watchdog role during the Moyer regime. Since that letter, I am happy to state The Capital has done a much better job. The reporting of the overtime fiasco and the ineptitude of City Hall has led to better government. I also want to commend you for the hiring of Paul Foer and his Ninth Ward Column. This is the kind of reporter The Capital needs. He reminds me a lot of Mike Royko who spent a lifetime keeping Chicago politicos on their toes. Mr. Foer as a full time reporter would help The Capital move from simply reporting the news to actually breaking the news story. The Capital plays a vital role in the governance of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. After all, you are the Fourth Estate.
Dan Koerschner
Annapolis, MD
Allen Colhoun has left a new comment on your post "Today Is Guy Fawkes Day...with lessons still to be...":
Does this mean we get to burn an effigy of you every so often?
See you at the Dirty Buzzard, where ever that was.
Good Luck on whatever is next
Hal Shear
LISTEN TO ACP Publisher Paul Foer on 1430WNAV at 8:15 every weekday morning or click on the WNAV icon to the right, press ON DEMAND and the click On The Foerfront to listen. READ ACP Publisher Paul Foer's "The Ninth Ward" every Wednesday in The Capital at www.capitalonline.com Identified comments are always welcome. ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS will be automatically rejected without being opened.
Posted by
Paul Foer
8:05 AM