Where have the scientists been? CP has been using this treatment and extolling its benefits for years. Perhaps you've heard about those netti pots? Recent media reports show that science, medicine and maybe even the drug industry say salt washes might work too! But just wait--they'll put it in some kind of special solution, give it a fancy name and make you pay for it--through the nose--at your local drug store. I can only hope that one day, the medical and drug establishment will figure out that eating right, drinking lots of water, exercising and sleeping well prevents disease. They just won't say so until they can figure a way to make money off so doing. And we wonder why health care cost so much? It's because we "medicalize" all ailments and need ten people to handle paperwork for each nurse or doctor.
Bay Daily on Hiatus
Congratulations to Bay Daily creator, Tom Pelton, who has accepted a
position with another organization working to make the world a better
place. In his ab...
10 years ago
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