CP joined District 30 Delegates Ron George, Virginia Clagett and Alderman Sam Shropshire and Julie Stankivic to testify in favor of state funding to study rail transit between our town and Baltimore and Washington as well as some form of local rail or transit in and around Annapolis. CP has been adamant about requesting express bus service NOW whether or not we decide to fund a rail study. This initiative came about because of Stankivic and Shropshire. While it looks as if the funding is not coming, we seem to have leaped ahead in terms of bringing state cooperation and interest and possible support.
This is taken from The Examiner:
"Paul Foer, an Annapolis activist, told the committee that while the city needs a rail station, express bus services to Baltimore City would be a quicker fix to the problem.
'It is absurd that in this densely populated, wealthy state, its capital does not have an express service,' Foer said."
See: www.examiner.com/a-1244524~Annapolis_seeks_rail_lines__wants_bill_to_force_issue.html
My impression is that while the House Environmental Matters Committee is wary of passing laws to mandate such studies, there was a favorable reception to the idea of doing a study, and the hearing may lead to increased cooperation. In speaking with the bill's sponsor Delegate George, Alderman Stankivic and the MTA's Jim Knighton (who opposed the bill on technical reasons but not based on merit) after the hearing, we all sort of felt that we lost the battle but may win the war. However, the Capital's Andrew Childers had a very different take on the story, even failing to mention that Del. Clagett, a senior member of that committee, sat with Mr. George and testified on its behalf. They both represent the Capital's readers.
I suppose it would seem unfair to fault Childers for not interviewing me, aside from the fact that I am an Annapolis resident, the city's former transportation marketing specialist, a professional transportation writer and consultant and testified on behalf of the bill but certainly he ignored my impassioned plea for a bus! At least the Examiner, which does not have as much of a local focus as does The Capital, saw fit to at least include that. Here is The Capital's story:
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