New Poll: The Market House.....oy vey! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Poll: The Market House.....oy vey!

It has gone from bad to worse and despite our efforts to have a city economic development office or department or whatever, this city-owned property is another black mark on this embattled Moyer Administration. Recently a few tenants left--in the middle of the night. Poof! And they were gone.No need to recount the scene here. If you're an Annapolitan, you know about it. So, what is to be done?

Here's an idea. What if it could become a combination multi-modal transportation center and police station and visitors center? Imagine if this became the place for tour buses to disembark, for Greyhound and for the downtown city buses as well as the commuter buses to Baltimore? Would this work? How about if we had bike rentals going on there?What if we added a 24-hour, police sub-station and then had a full-service visitors center in there as well?

Click on the survey on the upper left. And please, feel free to write in comments.


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