How Race Enters the Presidential Campaign Again ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, October 19, 2008

How Race Enters the Presidential Campaign Again

Perhaps you are aware that George Will and Rush Limbaugh have made comments about the Colin Powell endorsement of Obama. They think that race played a factor, to put it mildly...and they are unhappy.

Extremist right wing attack dogs such as Will and Limbaugh, who are pretty much white supremacists as far as I can tell, love Blacks only when and if they are conservative Republicans. Even Powell used to be their boy, but not anymore. They cannot possibly imagine that he would have endorsed Obama, so must be racially motivated!!! Powell, their great white hope, has lost his luster! Clarence Thomas and Alan Keyes are just not enough in their playbook. They still love their Michael Steele, who spoke in front of thousands of delegates at the GOP Convention, including all of the 32 Black delegates but for Powell to break ranks....ooohh.....that hurts. And so they had to react. Yep-racism. Ooohhh.

Supremacists of all shapes and colors get where they are, stay where they are and justify where they are by divisiveness, intolerance, hatred and fearmongering, yet as soon as their power circle begins to fall apart, they start talking about fairness, equality and tolerance. In other words, racism has been just fine with Limbaugh and Will since forever, but now that Obama is on the verge of becoming president and Powell endorses him, suddenly that's racist! The real supremacists have always loved racism when it works in their favor, and the second that the oppressed demand their rights and more power, they call them racist and separatists. The second they actually start gaining more power and rights they claim they only got them because of White, liberal guilt or because of--get this--reverse racism. Then they try to warn other Whites that unless they stop them, they are doomed. It's always been that way. (Is that not happening with Sarah Palin where they crowds she fires up say "Kill Obama"???..and she says nothing.)

Some Whites think that racism ended when the civil rights movement resulted in laws supposedly guaranteeing equality. "They got what they wanted. We gave it to them." they like to say. "What are they complaining about now?"

A few weeks ago, a Gay man I know, a political activist who made a big deal out of becoming a Republican, was subjected to a smear campaign at another Republican blog because of his sexual identity. A plethora of anonymous hate emails said he could not be Gay and a Republican and other such stuff. That same man, himself the subject of prejudice and intolerance, actually said to me that now that a Black man is a Democratic presidential candidate, how can Blacks say there is still racism?

Since Limbaugh and Will cannot possibly fathom why the highly respected general and former secretary of state would endorse the Black man Obama instead of the military man McCain, they had to basically say he did it because he's Black, er, I mean because they are both Black--and that's racist!!!

Shoe. Other foot.

Pot. Kettle.....Black.

See the pompous, stuffshirt, patrician George Will discuss the "whole Al Sharpton-Jesse Jackson game of political rhetoric" below:

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Eric Hartley said...

I won't even get into Limbaugh, but calling George Will "pretty much [a] white supremacist" is as cheap and unwarranted a slur as calling Obama a terrorist. Don't sink to your opponent's level.

Do you read Will's column? He's a lot smarter than the Limbaughs of the world, and he's also intellectually honest enough to criticize conservatives when he thinks it's needed.

For example, at the end of this column

he comes close to endorsing Obama, albeit reluctantly.

And here

he mocks McCain's sputtering campaign, musing that Obama could win 350 electoral votes -- and not seeming too dismayed by the prospect.

Just providing some perspective.

--Eric Hartley

Paul Foer said...


Well, you bring up good points and have certainly done your homework--and made me do mine too. Okay, so Will is high-brow and Limbaugh is low-brow and while one can be easily dismissed for being petty, vain and obnoxious, the other can be dismissed for being grandiose, vain and pompously obnoxious. I gave up Limbaugh after hearing a bunch of his programs. I gave up reading Will because I found his writing impenetrable. Look at this juicy piece from the column to which you refer:
"By a Gresham's Law of political discourse, McCain's Queen of Hearts intervention in the opaque financial crisis overshadowed a solid conservative complaint from the Republican Study Committee, chaired by Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas."

I don't think Will would consider it a slur to be called a white supremacist--I mean look at the guy-he was probably born on a golf cart with a silver spoon in his mouth and he's spent his career upholding the country club mentality of the American elite. Of course to associate him with Limbaugh, was perhaps...crude, but they do say similar things but in different ways. Limbaugh for the corner bar, and Will for the yacht club. And his piece did not come close to endorsing Obama, it just started to unravel McCain's unraveling campaign.
But I am willing to say this--the guy may not be a supremacist, but if he has had any Black people over to his house, they were probably Alan Keyes and Michael Steele....or the maid, the gardener and the chauffeur.

Anonymous said...

If you gave up reading these people and listening to these people how is it that you are able to judge these people?

Anonymous said...

Your column is filled with racism, in a small minded attempt to call others racist.

How on earth do you have any idea about who visits Will's house, and your comments about maids and the gardner are simply sick.

Also, in your blog, you've failed to examine the equal number of left wing nuts, you know the peoplee like NOW, who think Palin is and idiot. If she were a Democrat, she'd be a genius who's breaking new ground.

Any talk of racism (on the left or the right) is nothing more than babble from people from people too ignorant to discuss the issues.

Paul Foer said...

Dear Anonymous One:

Too cowardly to sign your name, eh? In reply to your inane question--because it's my blog. Don't like that? Start your own blog with your own name and stand behind what you write. Then you can decide what to post or not.
In the interest of civility, I'll leave it at that.

Paul Foer said...

Anonymous Two:
"Any talk of racism is babble?" On what planet have you been living?
Too cowardly to sign your name as well-eh? Don't like that? Start your own blog with your own name and stand behind what you write. Then you can decide what to post or not.
You accuse me anonymously of writing of "racism, in a small minded attempt to call others racist." my nieces would say..."wuddddeva...."
You accuse me--anonymously again, of writing "nothing more than babble from people from people too ignorant to discuss the issues." Whooaaaa hold on there mr or ms anonymous coward. Not only am I not afraid to discuss the issue, I am not afraid to do so publicly. You on the other hand are afraid of both. This is known as projection.
Next point-why should I examine lefties who think Palin is an idiot? She is an idiot and has proven it repeatedly and it's not just as you say left wingnuts who say so-it's a plethora of commentators and observers from all over the political spectrum.
And, if you read CP, you'd know that I hold no special love for any elected official who happens to be a Democrat--I am an equal opportunity exploiter, so get off that Democrat Republican thing. I could say to you that if Obama were a Republican, you'd say he is breaking new ground, but why would I say such a thing and why should I engage in a conversation with an anonymous coward?
As for George Will's domestic situation you may be right. His maid and gardener are probably Hispanic. Mea culpa.
Next time you wish to write, I suggest you think, write, rethink, edit and sign your name.....

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