City Manager Petition: "The single-most effective action we -- as voters and tax-payers -- can take to improve the operations of City government" ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

City Manager Petition: "The single-most effective action we -- as voters and tax-payers -- can take to improve the operations of City government"

I urge all readers to sign the petition to bring this to referendum. Please read the below letter from civic activists Bill Kardash and Doug Smith:

In the past two months, the Petition Drive to bring a City Manager to Annapolis has really gone into high-gear. Beginning in early June, we expanded our efforts from door-to-door collection to a wider approach using direct mail to reach each registered voter. The results from the direct mail campaign have been very encouraging as volunteers were no longer constrained by “knocking on doors” and we could reach more households faster and more efficiently.

While we have made great progress toward our goal of 5,000 signed petitions, we are not there yet and have just sent a “Second Request” to those who have not yet signed the petition. This mailing went out on July 28 to more than 15,000 voters in all Wards throughout the City of Annapolis. We expect the petitions to be delivered over the next few days.

To maximize response to this very important initiative, we are asking YOU to “forward” this email to your friends and neighbors and ask them to
“look for the City Manager Petition now in the mail”. Please encourage them to SIGN and RETURN the Petition ASAP so that we can reach our goal of 5,000 signed petitions. In this way, we can be assured that the VOTERS of Annapolis will have the opportunity to VOTE “FOR” the Charter Amendment that will bring the Council-Manager form of government to our City.

Make no mistake: the Charter Amendment we are proposing will bring a “City Manager” to run the day-to-day operations of our City and will be the single-most effective action we -- as voters and tax-payers -- can take to improve the operations of City government.

Please help us achieve that goal.

Lastly, while the direct mail effort we have launched is very successful, the costs for printing, mailing and postage are not costs we expected to incur. We need your support to fulfill our obligations. We are in need of donations now. Please consider a contribution to (payable to “Annapolitans for a Better Community”) in the amount of $250 per couple or $100 for a single person. Whatever you can afford to send will be gratefully accepted. Please help.

Thank you for your past help and support. We are determined to bring this important change to the citizens of Annapolis. With your continuing help we will succeed.

Bill Kardash and Doug Smith
Annapolitans for A Better Community
111 Annapolis Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

CP NOTES: Signing this does not necessarily mean you support the ultimate goal of the petition but that you support bringing it to referendum

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