OhNine OnLine for July 28--Debate Tonight!!...and "This race really coulda and shoulda been a reality TV show"... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

OhNine OnLine for July 28--Debate Tonight!!...and "This race really coulda and shoulda been a reality TV show"...

Debate Tonight 7-9 pm, questions accepted until 7:15
Calvary United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
301 Rowe Blvd
One dollar donation requested

Below CP is pleased to bring you the unexpurgated rants of a newcomer to Annapolis, Tim Howe. A man of many talents, Tim has been involved in political campaigns for years and recently attended the HACA mayoral forum and came up with this snarky set of observations. I think I've met my match as he has figured more out about this town in a week or two than many of us have forgotten. I just hope he does not start his own blog so I have to either co-opt him or sink his boat....:


as you may notice - i have a hard time writing short or seriously.

i dont have the respectful discipline to not write lengthy or the optimism to not look at all of politics these days in a non cynical way.

hmm, i guess i should just compromise and accept that i am now, at best, a cynical optimist or a optimistic cynic.

oh well, so it is.

for your hopeful amusement - (no need to put it on your blog - its probably way too snide - though in my world - thats impossible) heres my take on what's - what from my VERY limited pov. [CP NOTES--too bad...I put in in anyhow...]

and btw...

Im the Tim (thanks for the beer) you asked to write my opinion on this race.. and here's my thought, this race really coulda and shoulda been a reality TV show.

In a town whose entire voters base is probably smaller than the incoming freshman class at Ohio State, this race has produced a variety of candidates that is truly and utterly captivating. From a total outsiders P.O.V, this election really does look like a TV producers idea for a reality show focused on a political campaign in some quaint American Town. Being this town is just ooozing with quaint, it'd be a natural choice.

The candidate line up seems to comprise of one of each of the different styles of politicos now native to our Nation’s political culture.

There’s the young, handsome, ambitious and idealistic political servant, front runner and reformer. There’s a nationally known and respected political leader, activist and advocate who just happens to be an ordained Minister. That she's also a high achieving woman, beloved by her community, who once worked in a high position, for one of the greatest Presidents in US history is just so much gravy.

Then youve got your progressive "do-gooder" candidate, a woman of a "certain age" who, of course, runs a non profit and who seems to be flooding the city with bumper stickers and who, as of now, is definitely winning the lawn sign wars. Not bad...

Then there’s the big (I) Independent - a "pox on both houses" kinda candidate who has the good sense to combine the historical combo and mainstay of our electoral politics, liquor and politics. (Remember - Geo. Washington was a distiller, Thom. Jefferson owned a major vineyard and Abe Lincoln ran a Tavern.) Plus, he's good. If he doesnt get elected here, shave his head and he'd have good chance getting elected as Gov of MN. He's not just this race's Jesse Ventura, he also happens to run the city's best outdoor bar. Now how cool is that?

At my limited first viewing, the other candidates all seem to fit to a type, we've got one or two genteel patricians plus a real life “law and order” type of fella who looks like he just might add some scary fun to the race as it progresses...(maybe he'll ask to see all the other candidates birth certificates or something)... then there's the well spoken scold (with a ...um...history) who reminds me of a democratic Alan Keyes. (a smart, well spoken, charming, arrogant and pissed off guy with a grudge is ALWAYS compelling viewing, no?)

But if this really was a TV show, there are two other candidates that would just be a TV producers dream combo. Of course, after viewing the fab-vid you posted, I think the most compelling candidate just may be your feisty daytime dancing Mom who has already wowed our TV nation by winning a contest on ‘Regis and Kelly’ (Nice. But from what she said during the Eastern Terrace forum I’d of bet big bucks that Ms. Sears etc. was much more likely planning on boogying down later this summer to the soulful sounds of Lee Greenwood at a Sean Hannity’s ‘Freedom Fest’ concert than to be running for political office as a....eh hem... Dem-o-crat...

But of course, best of all, what would a reality show about a political race be without a candidate involved in a sexual scandal of a sort? That this one involves a Midshipman and thigh rubbing (!) only makes it even more delicious!

And now, like a cherry, you add a candidate experiencing police raids and battling misdemeanors, who may or may not have a campaign manager named Sugar...and oh my...as an ex media producer myself...it makes me wanna swoon...

Be still my heart...

Of course, the cliff hanger for this TV show of a election should be a full out "no holds barred" debate held at the half shuttered and yet, historic, Market Place. To set the stage accurately, the air conditioning should be turned off completely and the different candidates would debate only about whether the market's future vendors should serve portebella sandwiches, goat cheese pizzas and watercress salads or Maryland fried chicken, crab cakes and raw oysters. Then at the end of the debate, we'd let the people in the audience vote and decide what THEY would rather eat.

How do you think that would go, hmmm????

Man, we lucky, lucky few...Pity all the political junkies throughout the nation who dont live here and think that 09 is a "off" year. Poor, poor them!

Heck, it may be too late for Fox to roll cameras - but maybe someone should be shooting this with some kinda vid cam - not for its historical import or value , but maybe more importantly, just for giggles!

see ya at the fights.


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