OhNine OnLine for July 30 ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, July 30, 2009

OhNine OnLine for July 30

Trudy McFall has issued a position paper on the governance and control of The Market House which can be viewed at Mcfall .....The Annapolis Business Association, in cooperation with several other area business groups, is hosting a Mayoral Candidate's Forum on the evening of Tuesday August 25, 2009 starting at 6:30. The forum will be at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts and will focus solely on business issues!.....Two other local bloggers covered the debate on Tuesday night and then joined us to celebrate 100,00 blog hits at The Rams Head. Brian Gill of Annapolis Politics wrote that "Paul, realizing that writing about his own debate would constitute '100% bullshit', asked me to write a bit about the event. In return, I promised to keep the BS level to between 20%-44%." Okay. Well. Now really folks, I don't recall saying that...but I could have said it...I just don't recall my exact words. Either way, I prefer the BS level to be a slight bit higher than that range, although 44% might be acceptable in certain situations...especially when beer is involved....However, The party was lively and the Rams Head seasonal wheat ale was flowing....and was it good!!!...and you can read his succinct and somewhat snarky observations at Mayoral Debate Last Night...John Frenaye of Eye on Annapolis provides his unique perspective at Another Mayoral Forum. And for clarification and fairness, candidate Laurie Sears-Deppa did notify me in advance that she would be away caring for her father who is ill. Wayne Taylor said he had a scheduling conflict and Dave Cordle, through his consultant, said he also had a scheduling conflict.

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