Political Ads Can Be Sooooo Entertaining ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, October 1, 2010

Political Ads Can Be Sooooo Entertaining

But what are they really telling us?  Here is one from a selection of odd ads that I find especially entertaining. ACP thanks loyal reader Mike Pantelides for bringing this gallery of actual political ads from Gawker.com to our attention.:

The one above is the best-crafted and scripted and simply gushes with comedy, though I must say, I don't agree with the message. I never knew the NRA had such a sense of humor--and they make fun of their own constituents...sort of. But Chuck Norris, well, he seems a little...tired.

What are you doing to trigger the vote and have you wondered why the Second Amendment gets such play among candidates these days?

Enjoy 'em all with a bowl of popcorn. Write in to tell us your favorites!  Find them here:


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