An Open Plea to Anonymous Sources and Whistleblowers ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Open Plea to Anonymous Sources and Whistleblowers

I receive a variety of tips and leads from various sources around the city. If you have been or are interested in blowing the whistle, providing information or otherwise helping to expose to the light of public knowledge any wrongdoing, malfeasance, misbehavior, corruption or other abuses within city government, I promise to protect your anonymity. You have my assurance.

However, if you do not identify yourself to me or are unable to substantiate or verify the information you provide, I am generally only able to view it skeptically and am likely to consider it simply gossip, rumor or personally motivated junk information. You may send a comment to me or an email and I will not publish it if it will implicate you nor will I identify you. Again, you have my assurance to protect your anonymity.

Please send comments,subscribe,share with your friends,and support our sponsors. Join us at Ahh Coffee almost every Thursday from 8-9 am.

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