Moyer And Ethics....Like Oil and Water ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Moyer And Ethics....Like Oil and Water

Or should I say grease, as in the machinery? Our partner blog, Arundel Muckraker digs into the closed-mouth City Ethics Commission. It makes CP wonder if Mayor Moyer appointed friends to serve on this panel. Who is Acting (and boy what a great job of acting he does) City Attorney Steve Kling trying to protect? Maybe himself? CP received some tips about the relationship between Kling and the mayor and was directed to Ethics Chair Rex Caldwell after making inquiries. Just as Muckraker found out, Caldwell does not like to respond to inquiries. Caldwell was less than helpful and had to be contacted repeatedly. He admonished me to "read the code", which of course I had done. See Muckraker's story at The Oil of Ethics.

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