Wayne Taylor...Waving Error Messages ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wayne Taylor...Waving Error Messages

Wayne Taylor sent out an email blast inviting supporters to join him in sign waving. The mail included links to his web-site, his "products", his "services" and to "More about us."

It would help if the links actually took one somewhere other than to an error message. Now that's a really bad sign to wave in public. Why send people to a web-site that has nothing to say in the first place? And we'd love to know how many of the tee shirts and teddy bears with Wayne's image on them have been sold. Speaking of more about us, when is the candidate going to publish some real information about his stand on the issues?

Now available at Wayne's web-site, an official license plate frame with a photo of Wayne. My guess is the photo is about one inch square. Perfect for viewing at high speeds waving Wayne4Mayor signs.


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