Will You Be Our 100,oooth Blog Visitor? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will You Be Our 100,oooth Blog Visitor?

As of Sunday 10 am, we have fewer than 700 to go to hit the 100,000th mark!!! Join us Tuesday night for our mayoral debate and then to celebrate this milestone.
Calvary United Methodist Church/Fellowship Hall
301 Rowe Blvd
7-9 pm
A one dollar donation is requested.

Please send comments, subscribe, share with your friends, and support our sponsors. Join us every Thursday morning from 8-9 am for our Sip N' Blogs held in local coffee shops...except for that one in Eastport we used to patronize...ahhhh choo!.


Craig Purcell said...

Dear Mr. Foer,

You have inspired me to begin a blog or two. Maybe I too shall be hired by the local news media to seed stories for fun, profit and internet ad revenue.



Paul Foer said...

After just asking you i there were "anything else?" along comes this. Welcome to the world of local blogging--except that you are in Baltimore. I am so pleased to learn that I have inspired you--but you are not the first. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Will this mean you'll moderate your unwanted emails you circulate all over? You are a bright and creative fellow with a lot of good ideas. It's a shame you just like to harass people instead of being useful.

I have no idea what you mean by seeding stories but I am having fun. As for profit and ad revenue, I probably make about as much as an out-of-work 60-ish architect who can't seem to stay employed in the same place for more than a year or so. If you are so concerned about and interested in the affairs and future of Annapolis, why do you live in Baltimore? Now, do we have to continue this or will you devote your energy to your new blog?

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